Build Responsive Website with

IIKD is established with the vision of “Developing & Preparing the Fresh Talent to Knowledgeable Professional” The institution is promoted by a Indian Institute of Knowledge & Development Pvt Ltd. Organization registered under Indian companies Registration Act, 2013 and Awarded with two prestigious awards REAA (2018) for Best Teaching Methodology.

What you will learn

  • Real-world skills to build real-world websites: Professional truly responsive websites
  • Learn super cool designing structure & Sticky navigation in WordPress.
  • Simple to use web design guidelines and tips to make your website.
website designing course



  • Canva Designing Concept
  • Banner Designing
  • Web Layout
  • social Media Posts
  • Logo Designing


  • What is HTML?
  • Structure of html Document
  • Image & Attributes
  • Basic Tags
  • Table Format
  • Page layout & Navigation
  • I-frame Embedding,
  • Creating Hyperlinks
  • Lists & Backgrounds
  • Contact Form,
  • Moving Slider,
  • Embedding video clips


  • Getting start with CSS
  • Classes and ID’s
  • Building a simple layout
  • Complete Website in CSS
  • Creating Divisions,
  • Concept of margin & padding
  • Floating Concept,
  • Planning site organization


  • Installation
  • Child theme creation
  • Theme Customization,
  • Plugins- Page Builder
  • Product Gallery,
  • Contact Form
  • Responsive Website

Course Duration: 15  Days, (alternate day one hour lecture)

Online Live Training

Professional Web Design Templates

WordPress is the best Content Management System. Due to its rich features, easy customization facilities, intuitive UI, accessibility and popularity, WordPress is good website designing platform.

Choose from thousands of stunning designs with a wide variety of features and customization options.

Barbeque Restaurant


NGO Charity


Coach / Trainer

Natural Park

Service Professionals


For More Details Please Contact- Mb. 8652326026

New Batch will be Start on 6th August-2020

Web Designing Time Table
1st Batch- 5.30 pm  2nd Batch- 4.00 pm 3rd Batch- 7.30 pm
Date Lecture Date Lecture Date Lecture
04-May 1st 11-May 1st 18-May 1st
06-May 2nd 13-May 2nd 20-May 2nd
08-May 3rd 15-May 3rd 22-May 3rd
11-May 4th 18-May 4th 25-May 4th
13-May 5th 20-May 5th 27-May 5th
15-May 6th 22-May 6th 29-May 6th
18-May 7th 25-May 7th 01-Jun 7th
20-May 8th 27-May 8th 03-Jun 8th
22-May 9th 29-May 9th 05-Jun 9th
25-May 10th 01-Jun 10th 08-Jun 10th
27-May 11th 03-Jun 11th 10-Jun 11th
29-May 12th 05-Jun 12th 12-Jun 12th
01-Jun 13th 08-Jun 13th 15-Jun 13th
03-Jun 14th 10-Jun 14th 17-Jun 14th
05-Jun 15th 12-Jun 15th 19-Jun 15th
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